Chapter Seventeen: Love


     I'm warning you in advance... this is going to be a mushy post. If you're someone who doesn't like to read about mushy and romantic and lovey things, this is your cue to hop off. Tonight, I'm talking about love. This is something I've been getting questions about. People want the details of my relationship. Well, I'm not going to give them to you just like that. I think some things are better off kept private. But, I will give you some insight on how I feel about this man.

     As most of you know, I've been in a long-distance relationship for almost two months now with basically the most amazing human being I've ever met. I have never really thought about doing something like this. Everyone says it's impossible, but I haven't found it to be quite as difficult. Sure, there are days when it's very hard. But most of the time, I find ways to distract myself from thinking about it. I write about it, I talk about it with friends, and most importantly, I am 100% open and honest about every aspect of my life with my boyfriend and communicate about it frequently. We talk literally all day every day, whether it's through texting, talking on the phone, Snapchat, or video chatting. We've also been talking about him coming here to visit. The details are unclear, but we're hoping everything will fall into place soon. I hope that satisfies everyone's craving for detail.
    A lot of people know the story about how we met. It's not really that crazy of a story. Well, at least I don't think so. It's crazy that it just happened to be both of us in the same video game at the same time, being matched up with each other online. It's crazy that we talked non-stop for only a few weeks before we started having feelings for each other. Crazy that I fell in love so hard and so fast with someone who lives thousands of miles away from me, and that he felt the same way immediately. I guess it is crazy. It's an awesome feeling, it's indescribable. Not many people can say they met their soulmate on a video game. Soulmate might seem like a bold word, but like they say, when you know, you know. It's like we have the other half of each other's souls. That's how the connection feels. It feels so strong, like our hearts are reaching out to each other from the other side of the phone.

     When he's sad or down, I feel it, too. All I want to do is do anything to make him feel better. When he's happy and goofy, I always feel ecstatic and silly and we're always joking around with each other and trying to keep each other feeling positive and happy and glad to be alive. It's an amazing feeling having someone who cares about you so so much without even being able to hold you in person. And all I want is to give him the biggest hug in the world and hold on really tight and never let go. I have literally never felt this way about anyone in my life, I swear it. What makes it even crazier is that I feel this strongly about a person and I've never been able to even hold his hand. I'm so incredibly lucky to have such a supportive, kind, caring person that's looking out for me and helping me stay afloat without even trying. And have I mentioned how handsome he is? Gee, I'm just the luckiest gal in the world. Try not to be jealous.
Christopher, I love you, and you're a rock star. You make me so happy. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.




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